A counter used in the arithmetical unit to count the steps in multiplication, division, and shift operation. 在运算部件中,对乘、除、移位操作中的操作步进行计数所用的一种计数器。
This paper presents a new algorithm to realize modular exponentiation multiplication by converting multiplication and modular operation into the simple shift and addition operation, thus avoiding modular operation on large number. 提出一种宏观累加模的快速模幂乘的算法,将乘法运算和求模运算转换成简单的移位运算和加法运算,从而避免了求模运算和减少大数相乘次数。
The Coordinate Rotational Digital Computer ( CORDIC) algorithm is adopted to realize complex multiplication. It divides the complicated multiplication into a series of simple addition and shift operations so as to reduce the system complexity and increase the working frequency. 采用CORDIC算法实现FFT的复数乘法,将复杂的乘法运算用一系列简单的加法、移位操作来实现,从而降低了运算设计的复杂性,提高了电路的工作频率。
Experiments show that the prototype system fulfills the tasks of configuring the reconfigurable node from addition to substract, multiplication, or operation and shift operation successfully. 实验结果表明,原型系统正确完成了将可重构节点从加法重构为减法、乘法、或操作与移位操作的功能。
The de-multiplexing reference signal includes ZC sequence conjugate multiplication, forced to zero, IDFT, temporal filtering, time-domain cyclic shift, DFT and zero truncated processing process. 多用户参考信号解复用技术包括ZC序列共轭相乘、迫零处理、IDFT处理、时域滤波、时域循环移位、DFT与去零处理等过程。
In hardware implementation, the complex multiplication of data stream and codebook is calculated by simple shift, which can greatly saves the consumption of hardware resources. 在硬件实施上,数据流与码本的复数乘法就转化成了对于数据符号的简单移位,大大节省了所消耗的硬件资源。